Using and Extending the Widget Library

Using and Extending the Widget Library

On most websites, various combinations of content are recurring, sometimes even on the same page: A headline followed by a block of text on the left side, and next to it an image, or a box with a bulleted list as one of two or three columns, and so on.

Scrivito’s Widget Library allows you to add such widget groups, or just single widgets with standard content, as templates to the Widget Library so that every editor has them at their disposal. This not only makes working with individual web pages easier, it can also contribute to keeping their overall impression consistent.

The widgets in the Widget Library are available to all editors. Widget templates can be added to a page just like predefined ones, i.e. using the widget selection dialog, or by dragging them from the widget sidebar onto the page.

Opening the Widget Library

To open the Widget Library, click the corresponding item in the main menu at the top right corner.

The Widget Library includes the templates that were added to it, but not the predefined widgets. As can be seen on the screenshot, widget templates include a title, a description, and a thumbnail, all of which can be freely specified. Also, templates can be deleted using their menu at the top right.

Adding a widget to the library

Every editor can add widgets to the library unless workflows are enabled for your Scrivito CMS. In this case, adding widgets to the library needs to be explicitly granted.

To add a widget or a group of widgets to the library, first prepare it in a working copy. Afterwards, select “Add widget to library” from its menu. You will then be asked to enter the title of the new template. Finally, the Widget Library is opened so that you can add the remaining details as needed. Your new template will show up in the widget selection dialog or on the widget sidebar whenever you add a widget to a page.