
The future-proof development architecture


The Jamstack approach (JavaScript, API, and pre-rendered HTML markup) is a modern method of creating websites and applications. Content is no longer processed and generated for every visitor on the server. It is generated locally in the browser as Jamstack pages. Dynamic applications can also be processed in the browser thanks to JavaScript and APIs.

The Jamstack approach (JavaScript, API, and pre- rendered HTML markup)

Learn more about Jamstack:

Relocation From the Server to the Browser

The former principle of loading as much of the work as possible onto the web server is outdated. Today’s user devices have more than enough resources to run web applications. This also includes mobile devices.

JavaScript Frameworks

React is the most popular and fastest-growing JavaScript framework. The use of such web frameworks creates a new development architecture, where applications are no longer tied to specific operating systems or web servers.

Modern Web APIs

Modern web APIs can be integrated for any JavaScript client to implement third-party services such as business applications with access to CRM and ERP systems as well as ecommerce functionalities such as payments and subscriptions. Utilizing web APIs can eliminate the need for additional servers.

Microservices Architecture

Because web functions no longer need to be managed on the server, websites can be designed around microservices. A microservice undertakes a narrowly defined task which is initiated, carried out and terminated independently of other microservices.

Decoupled Architecture

The tasks carried out at the backend, such as creating, managing and saving content, are separated from the presentation on a frontend device, so the architecture is headless, or decoupled.

Pre-Rendering of HTML Markup

The website HTML markup is no longer generated by traditional web servers, but rather the pre-rendered site is distributed via a content delivery network (CDN), and displayed in the user’s browser.


All of Scrivito’s content retrieval functionality is made available through APIs. Additionally, a great GUI provides an excellent user experience. The CMS overcomes the classic categories, and offers a perfect symbiosis for developers as well as editors.

API-First for the CMS 

With a headless CMS, all functionality is available through APIs. A headless CMS, therefore, acts as a hub for content delivery. Thanks to an API-first approach, a headless CMS supports a real omnichannel experience.

RESTful CMS Interface 

A RESTful web service is based on representational state transfer (REST) technology, an architecture and approach to communicating between services. A REST API in a headless CMS allows developers to obtain, create and update content from within any application.

JavaScript/React Library 

Scrivito can be extended by using the JavaScript library React, an open-source project backed by Facebook and used extensively to make a user-friendly website. React dramatically eases the creation of interactive UIs.

Widget Building Blocks

Scrivito offers decoupled CMS functionality that provides everything to create a great front-end. Scrivito comes with a new kind of WYSIWYG user interface. Widgets are building blocks for the website.

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Amazon Web Services 

300+ CDN Edge Locations

AWS’s Availability Zones (AZ) are spread over 25 regions. The content is highly available and distributed to the 300+ edge locations worldwide, keeping a copy of the content as geographically close to the users as possible.

Amazon CloudFront

Scrivito uses fast content delivery network (CDN) services, securely delivering text content, images, videos, applications, etc., through APIs to users globally with low latency, high transfer speeds, within a developer-friendly environment.

Automatic Scaling

Scrivito offers instant, almost infinite and automatic scaling in a pay-per-use model. Scrivito grows with your demands; there are no hard limit for content objects or editors, for example. And the enterprise pays only for the exact amount of content in use.

300+ Edge Locations

Digital assets in Scrivito are automatically transferred through a built-in content delivery network (CDN). Scrivito’s true cloud nature takes advantage of the AWS infrastructure which has the largest global infrastructure of any cloud provider.

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Javascript logo


Scrivito is leveraging popular, cutting-edge technologies like React and Node.js.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Scrivito’s true cloud nature takes advantage of the AWS infrastructure, the largest global cloud provider.

Jamstack Logo


Scrivito is built upon the Jamstack principle. This provides a way to create websites far more efficiently than ever before.

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