Scrivito for Developers

Serverless content creation and publishing with almost unlimited possibilities

Scrivito is a flexible foundation for all your digital experience platforms, websites and apps. Using the most advanced cloud technology, Scrivito delivers content to any channel and device, scales to any size, meets the highest security standards, and guarantees an availability of more than 99.95%.

One System for All Projects and Channels

The Web Interface Builder enables you to manage all your web projects and apps using a single system. New websites can be created with just a few clicks. By using Scrivito as a central content hub, you can decide which projects your digital assets should be used in. Creating additional websites or language versions incurs no marginal costs.

Highest Performance, Availability and Scalability

Content is automatically stored redundantly at more than 300 edge locations worldwide on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This means the content is always as geographically close as possible to the users and is loaded at lightning speed. Availability is defined by a service level agreement and is as high as 99.95%, even during extreme load peaks. Scrivito also offers automatic, instant and virtually unlimited scaling.

Security Through Serverless Architecture

Scrivito uses a serverless environment combined with the modern Jamstack approach (JavaScript, API and markup). The frontend and most of the integration logic are executed in the browser, leaving websites and applications with almost no attack vector. Amazon Web Services provides unmatched security standards, and we have more than 30 years of expertise in operating critical infrastructure.

A laptop showing Scrivito CMS for developers

Main Advantages for Developers

  • Central content hub for all your projects
  • Highest performance, availability and scalability
  • Top level security through serverless architecture
  • No IT infrastructure required
  • Serves diverse channels and devices
  • Flexible integration in your IT landscape
  • Simple connection to third-party systems with API-first approach
  • Development with JavaScript and React
  • High system stability due to the separation of frontends and backend
  • Excellent usability for editors

Omnichannel Without Limits

As a developer-friendly system, Scrivito makes all of its functionality available via APIs. This enables the system to serve as a source for content delivery on different channels, such as websites, ecommerce portals, smartphone apps, voice assistants, smartwatches and IoT applications.

No IT Infrastructure Required

Scrivito runs natively in the cloud. One of its many advantages is that most tasks unloved by IT teams are eliminated, and there is no need to worry about maintenance, backups, downtimes or updates.

Integration in Your IT Landscape and Third-Party Systems

Another advantage of Scrivito’s API-first approach is that it can be seamlessly connected to your existing IT landscape and third-party systems – for example, your CRM, ERP and PIM systems. This means that information such as customer and product data or inventory levels can be shared across all websites and applications.

Development with JavaScript and React

To make it easier for developers to work with Scrivito, we rely on popular and proven technologies such as JavaScript and React. Because of the popularity of JavaScript, it is relatively easy to find developers who can start working on a Scrivito application right away.

Save Time and Money Using Widgets

Scrivito provides you with a variety of out-of-the-box widgets. Website editors create pages on their own using these modular building blocks. To save time and effort, you can also develop your own widgets using your frontend code, which editors can then reuse as required where they are needed.

Excellent Usability for Editors

Scrivito’s intuitive WYSIWYG user interface enables editors to manage and edit websites without requiring lengthy training. The system’s excellent usability ensures that editors can do their jobs without the assistance of developers.

Test Scrivito Free for 30 Days

Use our free Developer plan for non-commercial projects.


Websites and applications developed by JustRelate have the following certification, amongst others:

  • ISO 27000
  • ISO 9000
  • BSI C5
  • SOC 2
  • CSA
OMR Reviews badge for the enterprise CMS Scrivito

"Top Rated": OMR Reviews Awards Scrivito

The software review platform OMR Reviews gave Scrivito the “Top Rated” award in the category Content Management Systems in March 2022. Our enterprise system is far above the industry average in all categories, such as “user-friendliness”, “meeting requirements” and “customer support”.

Customers About Scrivito for Developers

In this video, Nico Rehmann, managing partner of the digital agency asioso, talks about his experience with Scrivito as a content creation and web publishing system for developers.

Test Scrivito Free for 30 Days