After successfully launching Scrivito in mid-February this year and collecting valuable feedback from testers and customers, we set ourselves to work: There is nothing that cannot be improved.
After successfully launching Scrivito in mid-February this year and collecting valuable feedback from testers and customers, we set ourselves to work: There is nothing that cannot be improved.
Wouldn't it be nice if the changes made by other editors were instantly reflected in your browser window? At Scrivito, we are working hard to make auto-updating a reality. This will be extremely helpful for editors working on the same page in the same working copy.
With this release we’ve gotten one step closer to this goal. If you are in a working copy in preview mode, Scrivito now looks for new changes every two seconds and makes them visible to you. In editing mode, page content is not yet updated automatically, but will be in a future release.
And now enjoy the show:
The number of steps that needs to be taken to start your first editing session has been reduced: Switching from the preview to the editing mode without a working copy being available yet now causes a working copy to be automatically created for you. Start editing right away!
Widget handles and frames are now fading out after a short period of time, making it easier to edit widget content in place.
The new Scrivito.finishLoading()
function notifies the application that the current page has been rendered completely (and is not waiting for content required to render it). This can be quite useful, e.g., to defer the loading or execution of expensive JavaScript code until a page has been fully displayed, or to notify a prerendering service that the page content is now ready to be captured.
It is now possible to open links in HTML fields in new tabs or windows by holding the modifier key (Cmd in OS X, Ctrl in Windows) when clicking, or clicking with the middle mouse button.
As an editor, it is now possible to clear attributes of the integer
and float
Scrivito now copes better with unreliable network connectivity or slow response times: it doesn't throw an error anymore but retries the request instead.
The performance of the in-place editing UI has been improved by minimizing the amount of page components that require rerendering after changing content.
Editable reference fields now change the mouse pointer to a cursor when hovered.
This is a bugfix release. Fixed bugs Binary upload API is less strict again Regarding undefined option values, the Binary.upload API method now works as it did prior to version 1.48.0 of the JS SDK. Such undefined values no longer produce an error. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have...
Interface Builder improvements Retrieving data classes by their name A new API method, Scrivito.getDataClass , has been added as a native method for retrieving data classes by their name, obviating the need for custom lookup code. This method complements Scrivito.getClass for accessing object and...
Interface Builder improvements Filtering dates and numbers The filtering options of the data editor have been extended. You can now filter dates and numbers using the following operators: gt (greater than), lt (less than), gte (greater than or equal to), and lte (less than or equal to). These new...
Interface Builder improvements Using attributes of the current page context Attributes of the current page and its ancestors are now available to editors as placeholders and as a data source (datalocator). Note that only attributes of the string type that are also included as attributes in the...
Interface Builder improvements Filtering data by enum, boolean, date, and number attributes The Interface Builder’s data editor now also lets you filter data by attributes of the enum , boolean , date , and number types. This makes it much more convenient and intuitive to select and present data...
Bugfix Release An issue with Scrivito.useDataLocator has been fixed. It prevented filters with reference data attributes from being evaluated properly. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused! Thanks again for using Scrivito!
Maintenance release This is a maintenance release with minor improvements. As always, we will keep you posted if there is anything interesting to report. Stay tuned! Thanks again for using Scrivito!
Interface Builder improvements LinkTag supports data items The LinkTag component now supports data items as navigation targets. Passing a DataItem to the to prop causes the link to point to the details page of the item concerned. Accessing current data of a specific class The useDataScope and...
Interface builder improvements Data attributes For the application to utilize the attributes selected by content editors, the Scrivito SDK now includes a (beta) API for representing data attributes, DataItemAttribute . A data item attribute can be accessed from a data item via...
Defining custom attributes via the Interface Builder’s data editor The data editor now lets you add custom attributes to data classes. If, for example, you have a “Current user” data class that requires an attribute not specified in the editing configuration of this class, e.g., “email”, you can...