Scrivito JS 1.10.0 Released – Featuring Access Control and Teams

New ways to organize your work

Finer grained access control for collaborators

As an owner of a working copy, you can invite other users of the Scrivito CMS to collaborate on this working copy’s content. Previously, such added users always automatically became co-owners of the working copy, meaning that they were given the permissions they had as CMS users: “Editor”, “Senior editor” or “Chief editor”.

Now, Scrivito gives you more control over the permissions of individual collaborators, i.e. their role within the working copy. You can still make users co-owners, but, alternatively, you can restrict their access to viewing and editing the working copy’s content, or just viewing it. Like before, users who are made working copy owners inherit their authorizations from their role as CMS users.

Managing CMS users with teams

Scrivito now lets you organize your CMS users by means of teams. Teams are ideal for reflecting the users’ permissions or your company’s approach to handling responsibilities. You could, for example, define a team for content creators and another one for colleagues managing the CMS’s users. You can then assign users to one or the other team, or even to both if they happen to be involved in both areas of activity.

Teams are available in your Scrivito CMS if editor authentication via an identity provider has been set up. For users to be able to manage teams, they require the “Manage users” permission. CMS administrators have this permission by default.

The dialog for managing users and now also teams can be opened via the “Manage users” item of the main menu at the top right. On the “Teams” tab, you can define, find, alter, and delete teams. In essence, every team has properties – a unique title and four assignable permissions – plus a list of users that are granted the selected permissions. A user's team membership can also be easily changed via the “Users” tab.

Managing CMS users through teams will make it a lot easier and much more efficient to organize tasks and define responsibilities!

Convenience to the max

Make your website look more consistent!

The toolbar actions available for in-place text editing can now be customized. You could, for example, hide the h2 and h3 buttons, and insert buttons for subscript and superscript.

This way, you can provide editors with the tools they need, and prevent unwanted in-place elements from being added accidentally. For details on how to achieve this, see the Scrivito.provideEditingConfig documentation.

Copying parent pages and moving several pages at once

For more convenience, it is now possible to copy a page even if it has child pages in order to paste it to any other location in the page hierarchy. The child pages themselves are not copied but can, of course, be handled individually. This new functionality makes copying parent pages a breeze. Previously, each widget on such a page had to be copied individually to the target page.

Also, Scrivito’s SDK now offers a function, Obj#copy, for duplicating a CMS object including its custom attributes.

Furthermore, Scrivito now lets you move a page including its direct and indirect subpages after clicking “Copy or move page” for the source page! Previously, moving a whole subhierarchy of pages was not possible.

Improved page scrolling

When navigating back and forward on a website, Scrivito now lets the browser restore the respective scroll positions instead of scrolling to the top. Pages are only scrolled to the top if Scrivito needs to render them as a whole.

Application frame title is displayed

With several open tabs or windows of a Scrivito application, it is now much easier to select the desired one via the browser’s menu or tabs: The Scrivito UI now exhibits the title of the application frame so that the browser can use it.

Built-in text extraction for search results, overviews, etc.

Search results pages commonly include an excerpt for each result to help the visitor grasp more quickly what the individual hits are about. Developers can now define the source attributes of such excerpts simply by means of the new extractTextAttributes key in the respective model class. To have excerpts computed, Scrivito.extractText is available as a new API method.

See the extractText documentation for details and examples.


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