Now, run the migration to get the job done.
bundle exec rake scrivito:migrate
== 20130718065315 ImportProductsMigration: migrating =======================================
rake aborted!
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /Users/Bob/Code/toy_store/product_images/racing_car.jpg
Migrations only affect a dedicated working copy. If you made a mistake, don't worry, just abort the migration. The migration working copy is deleted automatically, similar to a transaction rollback. You can now fix the error by providing the missing image and rerun the migration:
bundle exec rake scrivito:migrate:abort
Migration workspace deleted.
bundle exec rake scrivito:migrate
== 20130718065315 ImportProductsMigration: migrating =======================================
== 20130718065315 ImportProductsMigration: migrated (8.0968s) ==============================
Once you are satisfied with the result, publish the migration working copy. Only then, the imported data is visible to website visitors.
bundle exec rake scrivito:migrate:publish